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Baltimore Sailing Club was founded in 1956 as a summer sailing club. From its inception it has been successfully developing leisure and competitive sailing in Baltimore Harbour. The Club over the years has continued to expand and teach safe sailing skills to young people from all backgrounds. With a function room, kitchen and bar it is very active in the summer months running sailing events, courses and many social activities.
Situated in West Cork on the edge of Roaringwater Bay. The clubhouse is on the pier and close to all facilities. Baltimore Harbour is a busy fishing village all year around with a regular ferry service to the many islands.

Irish Sailing
Irish Sailing is the national governing body for sailing, powerboating and windsurfing. Their objective is to develop, support and promote sailing, through their courses, events and initiatives.
The Irish Sailing Association set and maintain standards of all training and coaching throughout Ireland. There are 105 + Irish Sailing Training Centres running internationally recognised courses, certificates and qualifications within Ireland, (including “Try Sailing” for new sailors, “Women on the Water” campaign, and “Sailability” for disabled sailors).
All of the courses run by Baltimore Sailing Club are ISA accredited courses and all of our sailing instructors are fully qualified ISA certified instructors. All of our courses are set to the defined ISA levels and run in accordance to the appropriate course level ISA curriculum.