1720 Munsters 2020
26th September 2020 - 27th September 2020
Update 19th September 2020 – now to be a regional event “1720 Munsters”
Update 4 September 2020 – Change of Location to Cork Harbour
After reviewing the current government guidelines and seeking guidance from the local businesses in Baltimore, we as a committee feel that we cannot provide the same level of racing and entertainment as experienced in the Baltimore Cup this year. We are saddened to make this announcement but look forward to hopefully welcoming you back to Baltimore in 2021.
After discussions with Monkstown Bay Sailing Club, we have agreed to run the event in Cork Harbour on the same dates – 25th, 26th, 27th September 2020. This will be done as a combined effort between the two clubs as we are both of the opinion that the event should not be cancelled this year provided we can run it in line with the Covid-19 government guidelines.
Notice of Race – 1720 Munsters
Online Entry Form – 1720 Munsters
Health Declaration Form – to be completed by all competitors.
Whatsapp Invite – 1720 Munsters participants
Monkstown Bay Sailing Club website.
Lift in will take place on Friday 25th Sept from 9:00 – 17:00 and in Salve Marine, Crosshaven next to the Royal Cork. Boats will be lifted out immediately after racing on Sunday if required. The fee is €120 in total for the lift in and lift out, payable in cash on lift-in to crane driver at Salve Marine. Registration and crew weighing will be held in the Dinghy Centre, Royal Cork from 16:00 to 18:00 hours on Friday 25th September. Face masks must be worn by crew members during the registration and weigh in process.
All sailors must fully adhere to the current Government guidelines.
Full details will be updated here when available. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us [email protected].