Baltimore Cup & Sloop Regatta 2021
31st July 2021 - 1st August 2021
We are looking forward to running our annual Baltimore Cup Regatta for 1720’s and the Sloop regatta over the weekend of Saturday 31st July and Sunday 1st August.
Online registration for the Baltimore Cup can be completed here. The entry fee of €60 can be paid online via our General Payments page (please quote Boat name and Baltimore Cup in notes). The crane fee of €120 for lifting in and lifting out is payable to the crane driver upon lifting in.
Please submit a complete list of boat crew to [email protected] by 1700 hours on Friday 30th July. The crew list must contain name/mobile number and email address. Failure to submit this list will result in the boat scoring DNC.
Notice of Race can be found here.
Sailing Instructions can be found here.
Results can be found here.
Amendment 1:
The race committee may at their discretion choose to sail 4 races on day 1 of the regatta.
The overall regatta schedule of 6 races in total will not be exceeded.