Ropedock 1720 National Championships 2019
30th August 2019 - 1st September 2019
The Ropedock 1720 National Championships will be hosted by Baltimore Sailing Club on Friday 30th August, Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September.
Launching – boats will be launced from 1530 hours until 1900 hours on Thursday 29th August. €60 will be charged for lift in and out and is payable at registration in addition to entry fee. Boats that travel from outside the Republic of Ireland for the event will have free launching/recovery.
Registration will be from 1730 until 2100 hours on Thursdsay 29th August. Crew weighing will take place at the same time as registration and will be carried out to complete crews one at a time.
There will be a barbecue on Saturday night 31st August with the prizegiving after racing on Sunday 1st September.